Design Award for Bob Moses
The 2023 ISDDE Prize was awarded to Bob Moses for his inspirational leadership and activism through the design of the Algebra Project and other major educational initiatives. Read more about his incredible work here.
The 2023 ISDDE Prize was awarded to Bob Moses for his inspirational leadership and activism through the design of the Algebra Project and other major educational initiatives. Read more about his incredible work here.
The Bell Burkhardt Daro Shell Centre Awards for Aspiring Educational Designers in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics
The International Society for Design and Development in Education (ISDDE) is pleased to announce a new Award created to provide sums of US$1000 to encourage the work of aspiring educational designers in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics who have demonstrated promise. The award will contribute to the development of a new product focused on supporting learners from marginalized communities and/or their teachers. For example, this could be a resource that supports a few hours of student learning, a brief assessment, or a professional development workshop.
For full details and the online application form, please visit
Deadline: 31 January 2025.
The Trustees of the Bell Burkhardt Daro Shell Centre Trust are pleased to announce that Pete Wright has been chosen as recipient of the 2024 Bell Burkhardt Daro Shell Centre Award for Aspiring Educational Designers in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics. Pete established the Teaching Maths for Social Justice Network (TMSJN) in 2021 and the Network has since grown to over 200 members. It facilitates sharing practice, resources and support among teachers of mathematics across all school phases.
Pete plans to use the award to support the development of a new, free professional development workshop for teacher educators through designing, trialling and evaluating a series of regional face-to-face events. The workshop will enhance the practice of teachers of mathematics and their engagement with the TMSJN classroom activities.
Congratulations to Pete on his $1000 prize!
The ISDDE Prize for Excellence in Design for STEM Education of $5,000 is offered for a substantial body of work, by an individual or a team, over a period of years that shows excellence in design for education in science or mathematics. In awarding The Prize the judges will seek excellence in the art and science of design in education.
Please nominate a STEM Designer! See more at
The International Society for Design and Development in Education (ISDDE) has awarded the prestigious Prize for Excellence in Educational Design to the value of $5,000 to Joseph Krajcik , Lappan-Phillips Professor of Science Education at Michigan State University, USA. Professor Krajcik is an expert designer of instructional materials. He leads the CREATE for STEM Institute, a joint institute between the College of Natural Science and the College of Education at Michigan State and has been a pioneering leader in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education for decades with his impact acknowledged globally
The 2020 Prize was presented to Professor Krajcik at ISDDE’s virtual conference in March 2021. Details about this unique event can be found here,
ISDDE gratefully acknowledges the Bell Burkhardt Daro Shell Centre Trust which funds the award.
We have clarified the criteria and procedures for becoming a Member or Fellow, and updated the constitution accordingly.