New Issue of Educational Designer Published
We are pleased to announce the publication of the latest issue of ISDDE’s journal, Educational Designer. Issue #15 is very varied, with four articles. Marc North and Sarah Heesom have written about design of their large-scale project to promote teaching improvement in underperforming schools. Nina Sangers with Evers-Vermeul, Sanders and Hoeken studied the policies for writing in Dutch biology, geography, and history textbooks. Deborah Fields and six colleagues report on SPIKEY-20, a virtual epidemic released into a virtual world, which infected thousands of players. Good design can promote educative outcomes for public health. Amanda Strawhacker, Emily Relkin and Marina Bers investigate design of an assessment of pre-schoolers in coding a robot. The editorial team hopes this issue of journal will help us to spread ideas and good practice of educational design.
We welcome submissions of articles for Issue #16 and also the Special Issue on Justice and Belonging. See Guidelines for authors on the journal website.