Publication of Educational Designer #13
The latest issue of Educational Designer, the journal of ISDDE, is now available at
In this issue, the authors describe, explain, demonstrate and reflect on practical design strategies that they have used in curriculum development, from primary school to adult learners. Koeno Gravemeijer discusses educational modelling through five case studies of the creation of instructional materials. The next article is especially relevant while Education is being so heavily impacted by COVID19, Erin Gibson and colleagues exemplify and evaluate the design strategies used to transform in-person education materials for health professional for remote use.
Kevin Reins describes his experiences over a decade using modified lesson study with pre-service teacher education students. Finally, Hugh Burkhardt and Daniel Pead provide a sweeping taxonomy of 30 design strategies and tactics that have proved effective for curriculum material development at the Shell Centre of Mathematical Education. Strategies are described and linked to illustrative examples.
We thank the authors, the editorial team and anonymous reviewers for their hard work. After five years, Dr Sheila Evans, is stepping down from being our Assistant Editor. We especially thank Sheila for all her work and we wish her well for the future. Expressions of interest for the Assistant Editor are now being called for. Please contact Kaye Stacey at if you may be interested.
Kaye Stacey
Editor in Chief